Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Story Keepers - Tricked by a traitor

 Hello and welcome back to Christchurch Kids. We are continuing to watch The Story Keepers together today. The Romans have worked out that Ben the baker is helping Christians to escape. The family soon find themselves in danger but who can they trust to help them? Let's watch together and find out.

 It's great that we can be Story Keepers too. By watching the video and learning the stories from the Bible we can share them with others and pass them on. Today, maybe it's enough to watch this video. If you would like to find out a bit more, keep reading...

Our BIG question today is... 

What does forgiveness feel like?

In today's episode,  Helena told the children the story of a woman who came to visit Jesus. Let's listen to that story again.

How do you think the woman in the story felt when Jesus reached down and spoke to her? 

How did she feel when she heard him talk about her to the others in the room who had been so unkind?

The Bible tells us  that this woman was sinful, meaning that everyone knew she had done things wrong. The Bible also tells us that everyone gets things wrong, except Jesus. The word used in the Bible for this is 'sin'. Sin means anything which isn't perfect, just as God is perfect. 

Do you think that maybe the other people in the room with Jesus forgot that they get things wrong as well?

The amazing news is that when we say sorry to God, He forgives us. It is wiped away and gone forever, like dirt washed away in a shower. Our big question today is - what does forgiveness feel like? For the woman in the story it felt like the best sort of love. What do you think it feels like?

But if we confess our sins, he will forgive our sins. We can trust God. He does what is right. He will make us clean from all the wrongs we have done. 

1 John 1 : 9


Today we are going to be thinking about forgiveness prayers. We can ask God to forgive us for things we have done wrong, or maybe things we didn't do that we should of. We can ask God to help us forgive other people too.

We are going to write our prayer today in a way that will help us remember that when we say sorry, God wipes away our sins.

Have you got a magnetic drawing pad like this one? Maybe you've got an etch-a sketch or a blackboard and some chalk? You could write or draw your prayers on paper too.

Take a moment to think of something you want to say sorry for. You can write a sentence, or a word or draw a picture. 

When you say sorry to God you can wipe the surface clean, or scrunch up your paper and put it in the bin. 

Thank you God that you love us so much that you want us to say sorry so that we can be close to you again.


Let's sing and dance together about how AWESOME our God is! We've got some Cheeky Pandas to help us today.

We hope you have great week coming up and you can join us again next Sunday for our last episode of The Story Keepers. It looks like even Ben and his family are getting excited about Christmas!

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