Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Story Keepers - Starlight Escape

Hello Story Keepers and welcome back to Christchurch Kids. Today is the first Sunday in Advent. It's a really special time at church when we got ready for Jesus coming at Christmas. It looks like the Story Keepers are getting ready for Christmas too. Let's watch today's episode together.

 It's great that we can be Story Keepers too. By watching the video and learning the stories from the Bible we can share them with others and pass them on. Today, maybe it's enough to watch this video. If you would like to find out a bit more, keep reading...

Our BIG question today is... 

how well do you know the Christmas story?

We've been on quite a journey with the Story Keepers over the past couple of months. In 64 A.D., sharing stories was the best way to share the good news of Jesus. They didn't have the stories of Jesus written down in Bibles that they could keep in their homes and pass to others. 

The Bible is full of fantastic stories about people who did amazing things with God's help. Which story is your favourite? Daniel in the Lion's Den? David and Goliath? Jonah and the whale? Maybe the Christmas Story is your favourite?

The very best thing about Bible stories is not just that they are inspiring or exciting to read but that they are a way for God to speak to us today.

Did you hear anything today in the The Story Keepers episode that surprised you? Did you know that some people think the Wise Men could have arrived two years after Jesus was born? 

Sometimes, if we think we know a story well, we might stop listening when it is retold. This Christmas, listen carefully to the stories and songs. God wants to talk to you.


In the episode today we heard that Mary, Joseph and Jesus had to leave their home to escape the danger from Herod's soldiers. They had to leave their friends and family and escape to Egypt. They became refugees. 

A refugee is someone who has been forced to leave their home. It might be because of war or natural disasters. It might be because of persecution, which is when some is mistreated or punished for what they believe or who they are. You may see stories of refugees on the news today.

We know God cares as it says in Deuteronomy 10

The Lord your God is God of all gods. He is the Lord of all lords. He is the great God. He is strong and wonderful. He does not take sides.  He helps orphans and widows. He loves foreigners. He gives them food and clothes. 

We can pray for refugees and for the charities that help them. This video can help us with our prayers today.

We've got a great song today which features some of those brilliant Bible stories we talked about earlier. Let's praise God together with singing and dancing.

We hope you have enjoyed following the adventures of the Story Keepers as this was our last episode with them. 

Join us this week on the blog as we start our very own online Advent Calendar! From the 1st of December we are going to be following the Three Kings as they find their way around Clevedon.
Pop back here each day to see what they've been up to. 

Next week we are starting to get really excited about Christmas with F@CT online and F@CT in church. If you would like to book your place for F@CT in church, please click here.

We hope you have a great week.

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