Sunday, April 18, 2021

Jesus catches fish

 Hi everyone and welcome back to Christchurch Kids. We hope you've had a lovely Easter holidays and have been able to get outside in the sunshine.

 Did you spend anytime at the beach this week? Our Bible story today takes place just by the water's edge. Jo from the Little Worship Company is going to tell us the story. I wonder what she has in her story bag today?

Talk Time

The stories in the Bible point us towards God. They tell us so many things. Now you have heard the story about Jesus catching fish, have a chat to your family and see what you all think about it.

Here are some questions you can talk about...

How do you think Peter felt when he hadn't caught any fish all night?

Why did Jesus hop into Simon's boat?

What would it have been like when the nets were so full of fish and the boats were filling up?

What do you think Jesus was showing everyone when the fish filled the nets?

Jo asked a great question at the end of the video...

Can you imagine Jesus popping into your school, or home, (or boat) saying "I'm here for you!" Would you be excited to follow him?

You may not recognise the name Simon as Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter. The name Peter means "The rock". Jesus changed Simon's name as he knew that Peter would be one of the rocks on which the church was built after Jesus had gone back to heaven. Jesus knew that God had amazing plans for Peter.

God has good plans for us too.

 I say this because I know what I have planned for you,” says the Lord. “I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future.

Jeremiah 29 : 11


Today in our prayers we can thank God for how amazing He is. He can even control the fish in the seas. Take it in turns with your family saying "Thank you God for...". Keep going and thinking of more things we say thank you for as you each take your turn.

Our song today is about following Jesus and there are some great actions to help us join in and praise Him.

We hope you all have a great time back at school this week. We'll be back here next week.

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