Sunday, April 11, 2021

Jesus calms the storm

 Hi everyone and welcome back to Christchurch Kids. We hope you had a fantastic Easter Sunday last week. Have you eaten all your eggs yet?

This week we are trying something a little different. We're going to hear about Jesus and Jo from the Little Worship Company is going to tell us the story. What will she have in her story bag today?

You can listen to the story with your family and then you can have a chat about the questions below. 

Talk Time

The stories in the Bible point us towards God. They tell us so many things. Now you have heard the story about Jesus calming the storm, have a chat to your family and see what you all think about it.

Here are some questions you can talk about...

What things make you feel worried? 

Do you think there are times when you need to feel peace?

What do you think the disciples felt like when the storm started? 

Why do you think Jesus wasn't worried by the storm?

What do you think Jesus wanted to show the disciples?

How does this make you feel about Jesus?

Are there any worries you would like to talk to God about and ask for his help to feel peace?

We have a Bible Chat Mat for you to download and colour today too. This is another great way to help you chat about the story with your family. 


The story today showed us that Jesus is with us when things seem scary or difficult and he can bring us peace. We can feel calm because we know Jesus is with us.

Talk to God today about anything you are worried about, or maybe you know someone else who is worried about something. We can ask God to help us know He is with us whatever happens.

Our song today is about trusting God. Do you have your pointy fingers ready? This is a fun one to join in with the actions.

We hope you have a great time this week in your Easter holidays and we'll see you here next week. 

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