Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Tent of Meeting

 Hello everyone and welcome back to Christchurch Kids. We hope you've had a great half term week.

We're following the Israelites at the moment as Moses leads them across the desert to the land God has promised them. 

Today we are going to be looking at a very special place called "the Tent of Meeting". Let's watch the video together and find out more about it.

In the video, the Tent of Meeting looks like a very simple tent but it definitely wasn't. God gave Moses very detailed instructions on how to build and decorate the Tent of Meeting. In fact, the instructions are so detailed that they can be found in Exodus in chapters 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31!

God gave instructions for how to build a special table and what a golden lampstand should look like. He gave instructions for 10 linen curtains woven with blue, purple and red threads with pictures of cherubim ( a type of angel). And lots, lots more.

Why was the Tent of Meeting so special? What can we learn about God as we hear about the Israelites building it? 

The Tent of Meeting was so special because God is so special. We use the word "holy" to describe God and it means completely perfect in goodness and righteousness.

We can never make a building as special and perfect as God but the Tent of Meeting took many precious materials and people devoted their time and effort to show how they considered God to be completely holy and worthy of worship.

There is no one holy like the Lord.
    There is no God but you.
    There is no Rock like our God.

1 Samuel 2:2


You may have noticed that we don't have pages in our Moses Activity Books for today's story.

I thought it would be fun to make our own tents today (or dens).

What things are precious to you that you would use to decorate your tent to show God how special He is to you? 

Here's a den we made in our house a little while ago. We have used favourite blankets and quilts and there were lots of cushions inside to make it really cosy! Maybe a favourite, precious toy could visit your tent?


We've got a prayer today that we can say on our own but it is even better when we pray this prayer with other people. Maybe you would like to pray this with people in your family.

God is so good and so amazing that there are endless things we can thank God for.

You can take it in turns to say...

"God is good, God is great,
Thank you God for ________________"

See how long you can keep your praise prayers going by thinking of different things to add to the end of the last line.

We have a great song today called "Tabernacle". This word means "Tent of Meeting".

Let's see how the people worked together to make this special place for God.

We hope you've had fun building dens today. If you would like to send in pictures of your dens,, we would love to share them on here. You can email Emy at

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