Sunday, February 7, 2021

February F@CT


Hello and welcome to F@CT Online! It's great that you've been able to join us today as we have fun together and learn about God.

At F@CT we love to praise God together with singing, actions and dancing. We hope this song gets you up and moving as we praise God together.

At church over the past few weeks, we have been learning all about generosity.

Our story today is about when Jesus showed amazing generosity. His friends and followers were feeling really hungry and he gave them not just enough to eat but enough that everyone was full up and there were leftovers. 

This story starts with a little boy who was generous enough to share his packed lunch with Jesus. Although, I do wonder how much he wanted to eat his packed lunch ("Oh mum - not bread and fish again!") as he still had it left at teatime!

Let's watch this Lego video and find out more...

Wow! Jesus is amazing! He was so generous when he fed all those people. 
When we follow God we follow Jesus' example of how to live so...

How can we be more generous?

Lizzie has been puzzling over this question and she decided to give Supergranny a call to ask for some help. 


We can have lots of fun as we remember the story of when Jesus was so generous feeding all those people with only 5 loaves and 2 fish.

Here's a Chat Mat you can print and colour.

A Flapping Fish game

You can make your own racing game with fish cut out from newspaper and a book or a magazine to flap them along. Maybe you can race them with someone else in your family. Maybe you can make a track around the room and time to see how long it takes for you to move your fish along.

We had fun practising this one...


Let's take a moment to be still and quiet to talk to God.

Supergranny told us all about the Fruit of the Spirit and how we can be more generous but it isn't always easy. Have a look at our Fruit of the Spirit picture. Is there one that you need to ask God to help you with this week?

Dear God
Thank you that you are so generous to us. You give us so many good things and love us so much.
Sorry when we aren't generous, when we put ourselves first.
Help us to remember your generosity and to be more generous with how we love others.

You could colour this in and put it up in your house to remind you about how we can be generous to others.

We have this brilliant song to help us remember the different Fruits of the Spirit. 
We hope you have fun joining in.

Thank you for joining us for F@CT Online this week and we hope you have a great week.
 We will be back next week continuing our adventures following the incredible story of Moses.

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