Sunday, July 11, 2021

Prayer - God listens to our worries

 Hello and welcome back to Christchurch Kids. We hope you have had a good week and aren't feeling too tired as we come towards the end of term - It's nearly the summer holidays!

We are continuing to look at prayer this week. We've looked at lots of different things we can pray about and today we have a story about a king called Jehoshaphat. He faced a difficult situation and he prayed to God for help.

We may not be facing 3 armies about to attack but we might have situations that spring up in our lives that make us feel worried , upset, or scared. We can talk to God about it and ask for his help. 

Did you notice that Jehoshaphat didn't just ask for help? He said thank you to God for the good things God had done and he praised God. When the army went into battle, the sent the musicians ahead to sing songs of how great God is. 

Jehoshaphat and the people didn't just ask for help, they kept their thoughts fixed on God with thank you prayers and songs too. They knew God was with them.


When we find ourselves in an unexpected ,tricky situations we can say a quick prayer to ask God for help. Sometimes these are called arrow prayers.

Today, we are going to make paper aeroplanes to represent our arrow prayers. You could write your prayers on them before you fly them.


Give your worries to the Lord.
    He will take care of you.

Psalm 55 : 22

We can talk to God about our worries and any difficult situations we face. If you do have worries, it's also great to talk to an adult you trust as well. God puts people into our lives who can help us.

We are going to use bubbles to help us pray today. If you have things that you are worried about, you can talk to God about them and blow your bubbles and watch them float away. 

If we feel nervous or anxious, taking deep breaths can help us feel calm. If you feel like this, you can imagine that you are trying to blow an enormous bubble. If you have your bubbles with you, you can give it a go. How big a bubble can you make? 

We've got a song that we love singing at F@CT. The words come from the Bible when Joshua and the Israelites faced a battle they thought they couldn't win. God told them they could be brave as He would be with them. 
We hope you enjoy joining in with the actions.

Thanks for joining us today here on our blog. 

Next week will be our last post on here and our last Christchurch Kids group in church as we are then taking a break for the summer holidays. We hope you have lots of fun over the summer. If you would like to come to church in the holidays with your family, there are activity bags available for anyone who would like one.

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