Sunday, June 20, 2021

Prayer - We can say Thank You

 Hello and welcome back to  Christchurch Kids. We hope you’ve had a great week. Happy Fathers Day!

We have been asking lots of questions about prayer recently. Have you prayed this week? What did you chat to God about? 

We’ve been looking at the different sorts of things we can talk to God about when we pray and today we are looking at...

Thank you prayers

There are lots of examples of people saying thank you to God in the Bible and sometimes they happen at the most unexpected and surprising of times! 

Do you know the story of Jonah? Let’s have a watch now so we are reminded of the story.

Jonah prayed his thank you prayer inside the great big fish! What do you think he thanked God for as he was sat inside a big, smelly fish!? Jonah thanked God that He had sent the fish to save him from the stormy sea.

Do you know the story of Daniel and the Lions’ Den? Daniel was living in a place where prayer had been banned but he still got up and prayed to God and thanked him even though it meant he didn’t just get in trouble he got thrown into a pit full of lions. Wow!

What about when Jesus took the five loaves and two fishes and fed 5,000 people? It was a miracle but the interesting, surprising thing for us is that Jesus said his thank you prayer BEFORE he shared out the food.

The Bible is full of surprising stories of thank you prayers. It shows us that we can say thank you to God anywhere, anytime and for anything.

What would you like to say THANK YOU to God for today?

In case you're wondering what to say thank you for, here's a silly song to remind us that God made everything! Can you sing along??


Today we are going to make Lego models of things we are thankful to God for. Maybe you can put it on a shelf this week and when you see your model you could think of something to say thank you for. Maybe you could make a model of your Dad or your Grandpa as we are feeling especially thankful for Fathers today.


We’ve got a fun way to pray today. Do you know how to play the Alphabet game? It’s a great game to play in the car. You choose a category and you have to think of something for every letter of the alphabet. We usually try animals or boys/girls names or countries.

Today we are going to play the alphabet game but this time we are going to think of things we can say thank you to God for. We can say ...

“Thank you God for...” and add a word starting with the next letter of the alphabet. 

Maybe today we are going to extra thankful for xylophones, yoghurts and zebras! 

We've got a great song to sing to God today all about saying Thank You. The actions are fun to join in with as well. 

We hope you have a good week and find lots of things to say thank you to God for. We'll be back here next week asking more questions about prayer but you can also join us in church on Sunday mornings for our group for primary school aged children. We will be playing games, telling stories, making crafts and of course, trying out the things we have learnt about prayer. 

If you would like to join us on Sunday mornings in church, please book your place here.

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