Sunday, May 23, 2021


 Hello and welcome back to Christchurch Kids. 

Happy Birthday!

Who's birthday is it? It's the church's birthday! Today is the day we celebrate a special day called Pentecost. It's the day when the disciples first went out and started telling people about Jesus. BUT... they didn't go out on their own. Jesus had promised a gift but what would it be? Jo from the Little Worship Company is going to tell us more. What is in her story bag today?

Wow! What an amazing day that must have been!

We are going to celebrate Pentecost by getting creative because we love making things to help us remember what we have heard.

In the story today we heard how the Holy Spirit sounded like a mighty wind so we are going to be making our own kites!

Have you made a kite fly on a day without much wind? You have to run really fast and put so much hard work in. It does fly a little but not a lot. When the wind blows, you can fly your kite with hardly any effort at all. 

When the Holy Spirit helps us, it's like the wind helping the kite on a windy day. When we try to do things on our own it can be like running along trying to fly the kite without using the wind. Think about the amazing things the kite could do with the help of the wind - hovering high up or looping the loop. it certainly couldn't do those things on it's own. The Holy Spirit helps us do amazing things too. The Holy Spirit helps us to do the things God has asked us to do.

Here's some instructions to make a paper kite using just a piece of paper, a stapler and some string.


Do you write thank you letters after you've had a present from someone? Maybe you make someone a thank you picture? 

It's always good to say thank you when someone has given us a good gift and we can say "Thank you" to God for sending the Holy Spirit - the best present ever!

How would you like to say thank you to God today? You could say it, or sing it, or dance it, or draw it?

We've got a great song today all about the Holy Spirit. We hope you have fun singing along and dancing as we celebrate Pentecost.

Thanks for joining us here on the blog this week and we hope you have a great day celebrating Pentecost. 

We have exciting news! This week we will be starting a Christchurch Kids group in Christchurch on Sunday mornings - Hurray! It will be happening in the hall during the morning service for primary school aged children. We will be sitting at tables with our siblings with resources on each table. Adults will be wearing masks but primary school aged children won't need to. We will be having lots of fun finding out more about prayer with stories, games and crafts. 

If you would like to come along, you will need to book a place as we have a maximum number of 15 places each Sunday. You can book a place by clicking here.

We're really sorry that we can't run Bubbles or Rapidz at the moment.

We will still be here on the blog too until the summer holidays so you can find out more about prayer here as well and chat about it with your family.

( Happy Birthday Photo by Robert Anderson on Unsplash)

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