Sunday, July 26, 2020

Rooted and Fruited

Hi everyone! We hope you've had a great start to the summer holidays. Have you been out and about in any woods recently? Did you have a look at all the amazing trees? 
Today we are looking at Psalm 1 which talks about trees. Here are the verses for today.

How can we be like a tree? Larry is asking the same question today...

The children are hiding in this box here. 
Click on the video so you can watch them with Larry and Joy.

When a tree is planted in good soil and gets lots of water, it can grow deep roots. This means that the tree will grow well and be able to make fruit. When strong winds blow, the tree can staying standing.

If we spend time reading our Bibles and talking to God, we are growing roots too. We will be rooted with God. Our fruits will be the Fruits of the Spirit (which we talked about here). These fruits aren't apples or bananas but love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
If we find things difficult, we will be rooted and we will remember God's good promises to us . We will be able to keep close to Him

Here's that verse again as our colouring page today. You can download it here.


For our prayer time today, see if you can go outside and see a tree (or can you see on from your window?). Place your hand on the bark and look up at the branches. Think about those roots going deep down into the ground. 

Thank you God that you will always be there for us. Thank you that we can grow strong roots with you as you will always love us and we can always trust in you. 

Here's one of our favourite songs from F@CT.  You can join in with the actions.

We hope you've had a good time being a tree today. We'll be back next Sunday with more adventures from the book of Psalms.

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