Sunday, April 26, 2020


Hello and welcome to Christchurch Kids. We hope you've had a good week. We have a very special guest on the blog today and she is feeling a little bit worried.

Thanks Supergranny! Jesus had something to say about worries too.

God loves us and wants good things for us. He is helping those who need it through lots of amazing people. Have you heard stories about people helping each other recently? People are sharing their food. They are looking after their neighbours. There are lots of these stories happening around us. It can be difficult not to worry but we can trust God and we can ask him how we can be a help to others. Sometimes just a little hello to someone over the phone will make their day. 

Jesus talked about how beautiful God makes the lilies. We can have a go at making our own lilies to help us remember the story today. If you don't have any coloured paper, you could draw your handprint on white paper and colour it in. If you don't have any pipecleaners, you could use straws or make a stem with rolled up paper. Here's a video to show us how to make the lilies.

 In the Bible, God says that we can give all our worries to him and we know he cares about us. As we think about something we are worried about, we can think about giving it to God and imagine it floating away from us just like a balloon or a bubble. This is our colouring page today and you can download it here


We could all have a go at Supergranny's bubble prayers. If you don't have any bubble mixture, there is a great article here that helps you to make your own mixture.

If you don't have a bubble wand, you could even use your hands.

We've got one of our favourite songs that we love singing with Supergranny. Our God is a great big God and he holds us in his hands...

We hope you have a great week and we would love to see your lilies, pictures of Supergranny or prayers. You can send us your pictures using the instructions in the right hand column. Join us later this week for a song and a dance on Wiggle Wednesday.

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